Malyvann Keo is the founder and chief staff member of Alone Moviz. Actually, he’s the only staff member because the whole point of his endeavor is to make “solo movies” in which he is the writer, the director, the cinematographer, the props manager, the actor, and the post production supervisor.
In the following interview, Malyvann takes us behind the scenes of his recently completed JURASSIC PARK: THE NEW WORLD FAN FILM. As with many of his movies, this was shot with an iPhone 4S.
MMM: What made you want to do a fan film for JURASSIC WORLD?
Malyvann: I’m a big fan of the series. I thought it would be interesting to make my own version for fun, and also to promote my Alone Moviz YouTube channel.
MMM: Could you give some technical details about how you captured the dinosaur for your Jurassic Park fan film?
Malyvann: The first step is to shoot your background video. I recommend using a storyboard to plan the live action.
Storyboard for Jurassic Park Fan Video
MMM: Then what?
Malyvann: You download the 3D app Efexio by Phil Tipett. This 3D app is awesome, which is not surprising because Tipett is the guy who created Dinosaurs for Jurassic Park. You can get the for Mac, PC, even the iPhone or iPad.
Efexio Dashboard
MMM: Exactly what does Efexio do?
Malyvann: It lets you drop your dinosaur on the background that you prepared earlier.
MMM: Does this require a high-level of experience with special effects?
Malyvann: Actually, this app is really easy to use. But there are some helpful tutorials available, for example, one from Efexio that shows how to add effects shots on an iPhone.
MMM: So that’s all there is to it?
Malyvann: At the basic level, yes. But to get even better results, I dropped the dinosaurs onto green screen background and worked on it using After Effects.
MMM: For moviemakers who are just starting out, what instructional materials would you recommend.
Malyvann: Start by looking at some of the many fan films on youtube for movies like STAR WARS. Then look at tutorials that have effects like those you want to create.
MMM: Are there any pitfalls to watch out for?
Malyvann: No matter what kind of movie you’re making, music rights are an important issue. If you don’t have the rights, you can get kicked off . If you don’t have a lot of money to buy the rights, an alternative is to go to the creator section of YouTube and see if you can use original score by accepting “authorized music with ads.” This means that the copyright holder can earn money when your movie plays–especially if your movie gets to be popular.
MMM: Do you have plans to make other fan films?
Malyvann: Yes I do. I’m doing THE MOVIE MAN, a trilogy about a guy who appears in a film driving the Delorean from BACK TO THE FUTURE. I’m working on the 2nd episode which should appear on my YouTube channel by November. This trilogy is my “déclaration of love” for 80’s and 90’s films.