
Visual Metaphor

Movie props often serve as symbols. The Maltese Falcon isn’t just an art piece, Bond’s Aston Martin isn’t simply a means of transportation. Visual metaphor can be used to develop the plot and deepen characterization. This kind of symbol also works in nonfiction movies, for example, in the powerful mini-doc “Bosnia, where Europe ends.” For…

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“Toilet Roll Changing”: an instructional video

Mobile videos will play an increasing role in how-to-do-it instruction.

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How to shoot underwater video with your mobile

The three rules of real estate—location, location, location—apply to moviemaking. Whether you’re creating a horror picture, a documentary, or a music video, where the action occurs will affect your material. Underwater locations can be dazzling. Think of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and The Abyss. However, until recently, such locations required plenty of technical resources.…

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