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K-pop Quintet Sings of Betrayal and Revenge

“ETA” is a high-energy music video with a dash of noir. Performed by the year-old K-pop quintet NewJeans, the song warns a friend that her boyfriend is cheating. While delivering the bad news, the group has fun singing and dancing in a variety of locations. South Korean filmmaker Wooseok Shin directed this Apple-sponsored video using…

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Young Filmmakers Create a Prize-winning Retro Horror Short

Locating a film story back in time is tricky. Extra care must be taken with props and costumes. Co-directors Samuel Cahill and Tao Bensoussan took on the challenge with “Retro 5.” Their horror short won the Under 16 top prize at the 2023 Dublin Smartphone Film Festival. The filmmakers adeptly employ a variety of cinematic techniques…

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Tutorial Review: “iPhone Anamorphic Lenses—Are They Worth It?”

The title of Michael Tobin’s tutorial appears to be rhetorical. Cinematographer Tobin clearly values attaching anamorphic lenses to iPhones—and presumably other mobile devices. This 8-minute video covers advanced topics, and yet it’s so clear, even a novice can follow the advice. There is, however, danger in watching this tutorial about creating wide-screen vistas.  There’s a…

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A Boy and His Toy Win Big

“Unsung Hero” is the ironic title of a short film celebrating a hero. In just 60 seconds, Indian director Vinamra Pancharia dramatizes the collaboration of an imaginative boy and a found toy. This simple but joyful movie won the International Grand Prize at the 13th edition of the Mobile Film Festival. The editors of MobileMovieMaking…

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Orchids Make a Surprising Visit to Trinity College

Facts about Dublin’s Trinity College could fill a thick book. Founded in 1592, making it Ireland’s oldest university, Trinity is one of the seven ancient universities of Britain and Ireland, a distinction that includes St. John’s College in Cambridge and Oriel College in Oxford. Now there’s another cause for renown. Mobile journalist Philip Bromwell reports…

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