If Picasso had owned a smartphone, he might have made a time-bending mini-doc like Simon Presto’s mesmerizing “Waiting for the Ferryman.”
Shot in Dar Es Salaam on an iPhone 5c, the experimental video follows the lives of people waiting for the Kigaboni ferry. Presto–is there a better name for a movie magician?– uses a variety of simple techniques to turn everyday motions into a dazzling dance sequence. There’s reverse motion, freeze frame, fast motion, slow motion, and action loops.
The director also composed and performed the score, which he calls “an electroacoustic interpretation of a complex Wazaramo 9/8 marimba rhythm.” Presto reports that he learned this kind of music from his teacher Mzeee Mindu.
While “Waiting for the Ferryman” is wildly impressionistic, at the same time it delivers a realistic view of life in that part of Tanzania. It is an entry in the 2016 Original iPhone Film Festival.