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Giving Bees a Sanctuary to Save the Planet

There have been many apocalyptic reports on bees at risk. But these stories usually focus on honey bees, which are not endangered. The news is worse regarding wild bees. These industrious insects pollinate over half of the world’s flowering species. Habitat loss plays a major role in the decline. While that problem may seem daunting,…

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Singing for Empathy

Singing has been employed for myriad purposes such as expressing love, conveying spiritual beliefs, selling products, and satirizing people (Tom Lehrer’s “Wernher Von Braun“). Now we can add developing empathy to the list. In “School Sings ‘Stefania,’” RTEnews mobile journalist Eleanor Mannion captures scores of students performing the Ukrainian song that won this year’s Eurovision…

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Art Versus the Climate Crisis

On October 31 world leaders will gather in Scotland for the UN-sponsored COP26, For nearly three decades, this conference has focused attention on the climate crisis. Seeking to highlight the issues, hundreds of knitters and crocheters created a 1.5 mile-long scarf with environmental messages. The number “1.5” references the 2015 goal of limiting temperature rise…

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Saga of a Badminton Player

In the pool, on the track, and in all other venues, elite athletes are more alike than different. Winners and losers share the same goals and passions.  They achieve nearly identical results. For example, in the one hundred meter sprint, just a few hundreds of a second separate the Gold from the Silver. But what…

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7 Steps for Shooting a Memorable Smartphone Video Biography

One of the most rewarding mobile moviemaking projects is the smartphone video biography. This is hardly a surprise when we consider that people—not explosions and other big actions—make Hollywood movies memorable. After the smoke settles, we remember characters such as Dirty Harry,Thelma & Louise, Goldfinger, the Godfather, Dorothy, Rocky, and Tootsie. Plus characters that act like people, for example Seabiscuit, Jaws,…

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