Murray Suid

Murray Suid

gambling addiction

Gambling Addiction Movie Wins Big Prize

“The Unseen” might sound like the title for a horror movie. In reality, this three-minute film belongs in the confession genre—an autobiographical piece about gambling addiction. But perhaps the suggestion of horror makes sense because the draw of the spinning wheel is frightening. The movie, which won the LumaFusion Prize at SF3, is not only…

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Limited-location Drama Explores Big Issues

The pandemic inspired scores of limited-location films. Of these, “But Then”—written and directed by Frank W. Kelly— has to be among the most limited. In this short, very emotional romance, the two protagonists sit back to back. While we get to observe their expressions, the man and the woman come to know each other only…

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moon backdrop

Moon Backdrop

The bike ride across the moon in “E.T.” is one of the most celebrated of all movie shots. But it’s far from unique. “Supermoon” by Ariel Avissar brings together a score of moon backdrop shots. Vissar describes himself as a media scholar and video essayist, working at the Steve Tisch School of Film and Television, Tel…

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horror poem

Rhyming Halloween Short Gives Plenty of Scares

If you like holiday rhymes, you’re going to love  D.G. Chichester’s “Just Add Water.” Using LumaFusion, he illustrated his original Halloween poem with an amazing variety of stock shots. The result is a perfect flick for any scary occasion. About the Filmmaker MobileMovieMaking earlier showcased another of D.G. Chichester’s assemblage films—”Identity Theft”—which was honored in…

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Protagonist-narrated Mini-Doc

Most documentaries feature a third-person (omniscient) narrator along with comments from the onscreen subjects. A less common but effective alternative is to have the featured talent provide the narration. That’s what we get in “Pack Animal,” produced by the Moment team and shot on a Samsung Galaxy S8+. A lively and instructive making-of  video follows…

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Horror Film Exploits Creepy Forest Location

“Back to nature” has a positive connotation. But as Michael Kellermeyer points out in “Frightful Forests,” there’s a dark side to the unbuilt world. Kellermeyer discusses 13 scary stories set in haunted woods.  These include Washington Irving’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” Bernard Capes’ “The Thing in the Forest,” and Ambrose Bierce’s “The Boarded Window.”…

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