Murray Suid

Murray Suid

beautiful documentary

A Beautiful Smartphone Mini-doc

The concept that beauty is subjective dates back to Plato. For the modern wording of that idea we must thank novelist Margaret Wolfe Hungerford. In her 1878 novel “Molly Bawn” Hungerford wrote the famous words: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” That said, we’re confident that “Made in Paris” is objectively one of the…

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film blocking

Tutorial review: “Film Blocking (It’s easier than you think)”

Film blocking from Epic Light Media “A minute to learn; a lifetime to master.” That motto for the board game “Othello” applies equally well to film blocking. When it comes to figuring out where to place characters and how to move them, there are only a handful of principles. Yet, as this Epic Light Media tutorial…

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Preparing Otters for Life in the Wild

Three young otters at first seem to be the stars of an RTÉ news feature “Perfect Match.” Certainly these creatures—related to weasels, badgers, mink, and wolverines—are handsome and playful. But the true protagonist of this wildlife story is Randal Plunkett, the twenty-first Lord Dunsany. Plunkett— a filmmaker and wildlife enthusiast—has converted the tennis court of…

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Real-time Sci-fi Monologue Illuminates What Truly Matters

At its heart, science fiction isn’t about futuristic gadgets and aliens. Such things—however fascinating—are meant mainly to create settings for drama. Inventing a story about a man stuck on Mars is essentially the same as creating an island for Robinson Crusoe. In other words, at its heart memorable science fiction is about the human condition.…

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Mobile Movie of the Year

Prize-winning Short Challenges the Melting Pot Metaphor

The metaphor of the melting pot is usually seen as something positive. It refers to people with various backgrounds being mixed together in order to create a strong, unified population whose members are more alike than different.  But there is a hidden assumption in the process, namely that the transformed individuals will abandon their previous…

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Climate crisis

Raising Consciousness about the Climate Crisis

Making commercials and public service announcements is not usually a labor of love. But “Extinction Rebellion” is an exception. As UK mobile moviemaker Cassius Rayner explains, “I was not paid/commissioned to shoot this video. I chose to get involved and share the message.” The short video documents activities in  London related to the global environmental movement…

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