Roberta Suid

Roberta Suid

Las Vegas repair shop

How to Avoid an iPhone Explosion

The odds are tiny that you’ll experience an  iPhone explosion. But the unexpected can happen, as is demonstrated in a surveillance video this week. The footage was taken in a Las Vegas repair shop. The exploding phone appears in the lower left-hand portion of the frame. Experts debate whether exposing a phone to high temperature—for example, leaving it in a car— can…

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Jafar Panahi

Selfie As a Plot Element

Accomplished filmmakers have proven that mobile devices, even with their limitations, can be used to shoot prize-winning movies. Now, celebrated Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi demonstrates another use of the medium. In his latest film—“Three Faces”— Panahi incorporates a selfie as a plot element. As seen in the trailer (below), a selfie serves as the movie’s trigger event.…

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Erez Sitzer

Film Poem Reimagined

Japanese-based filmmaker Erez Sitzer calls “Make ’n It Up” a film poem.  The genre dates back to avant-garde films that appeared after World War II. But Sitzer, who is building a reputation for innovative moviemaking, breathes new life into the film poem form. While telling a story that is at turns emotionally dark and light, he plays with a…

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Kino Totorono

Kino T.O. and TSFF Hosting a 48-hour Filmmaking Contest

The time it takes to produce a movie varies wildly. In the long-production category, there are examples like David Lynch’s “Eraserhead” (6 years) and Richard Linlater’s “Boyhood” (12 years). On the other end of the spectrum, B movies often were cranked out in a couple of days. Roger Corman’s “Little Shop of Horrors” shot in two…

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Toronto Smartphone Film Festival

2018 Toronto Smartphone Film Festival Screenings

If you’re going to be in Toronto June 8-10, you might want to buy tickers to the 7th annual Toronto Smartphone Film Festival (TSFF). During the event more than three dozen mobile movies will be screened.  You can find ticket information and the showing schedule here. TSFF bills itself as “the fastest growing innovative mobile…

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YouTube’s Advertising Plan

As reported in Wired,  YouTube’s advertising plan is undergoing a major transformation. The online video platform will now put more emphasis on established TV and Hollywood talent as a way of growing advertising revenue. This business decision may have a negative impact on homegrown YouTubers whose popularity, while great, can’t match that of people like Will Smith. The new approach wasn’t…

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