Roberta Suid

Roberta Suid

Mark Spencer

Using Traveling Music to Unify a Video Review

If you’re interested in stabilization devices, take a look at Mark Spencer’s review of Freefly’s new Movi Cinema Robot. Spencer, who is cofounder of Ripple Training, covers all aspects of this stabilizer. He also provides helpful tips for using the “robot” to achieve smooth camera movements. If you’re also interested in how to do a first-rate video…

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low-light video

Sony’s New xperia-XZ2 Features Low-light Video Recording

In a recent MobileMovieMaking interview, Indian director Syed Ahmad Afzal discussed the challenge of shooting smartphone video in low-light situations. Doing so, he explained, results in grainy (noisy) footage that must be corrected in post-production. The technical issue involves ISO, a measure of a camera sensor’s light sensitivity. If you want to learn the basics of ISO, check out Jack…

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Astonishing Indoor Drone Video

Drone video suggests the great outdoors or vast urban landscapes. After all, one of the great benefits of the drone is making possible low-cost aerial video. But the advent of small drones has opened up the great indoors. You may look a long time before you find a more polished example of an indoor drone video than…

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Mobile Innovation Network and Association

MINA Calls for Submissions to its 8th International Mobile Innovation Screening

The Mobile Innovation Network  and Association (MINA) is the longest running film festival dedicated to celebrating mobile and smartphone filmmaking internationally. Their mission is to create connections between filmmakers, communities and the creative industries. This year’s competition—for videos running 8 minutes or less— features five submission categories: Mobile, smartphone and pocket films (open to everyone) New…

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Community Filmmaking Project: History Meets Dance

Community Filmmaking Project: History Meets Dance

The mobile moviemaking revolution  has created a new genre: community filmmaking. A solid example is York County’s iPhone-shot entry in the “Museum Dance Off 5.” The York County History Center’s cast and crew also produced a “making of” video that shows some of the challenges in making their entry. If you’re reading this article before…

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Melissa Depino

Portrait of a Citizen Journalist

“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” That question grew from a thought experiment conducted by George Berkeley in 1710. Berkeley argued that if no one was around to perceive the trees, then the trees didn’t exist. Citizen journalism seems to affirm Berkeley’s conclusion that…

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