Roberta Suid

Roberta Suid

product review video

How to Make an Entertaining Product Review Video

Albert Einstein famously said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Although Einstein was talking about science, his insight applies powerfully to filmmaking. And we’re not talking only about sci fi flicks, thrillers, and romances. A dose of imagination can enliven and enrich every genre. For proof, take a look at Casey Neistat’s review of a $35…

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Ayesha Jordan

Recreating the Past in a No-budget Movie

Movies that travel back in time are usually expensive to produce. This is true whether the time frame is centuries (“Ben Hur”) or just decades (“Back to the Future”). Finding appropriate clothing and objects can be challenging.  But in “Good Ole Days,” mobile moviemaker Ayesha Jordan demonstrates that recreating the past is possible even on a shoestring budget. In…

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High Concept in Documentary Moviemaking

Hollywood producers talk about “high concept.” A high concept refers to the central idea that drives a story. Often, it can be expressed in a single sentence, such as:  “An alien, who is left behind, befriends an Earth kid.” And “An unheralded heavyweight boxer unexpectedly gets a chance to prove himself by battling the champ.” A strong concept doesn’t…

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Mustapha Benghernaout

Build a Camera Slider for Smartphone Filmmaking

Moving a camera during a shot can add drama and visual sophistication. The challenge is to do so smoothly, so that viewers pay attention to the subject and not to the camera. A classic way of accomplishing smooth motion shots is to place the camera on a slider, a device with rails. The camera can then…

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People's Choice Award

Help Choose Moment’s People’s Choice Award…and Maybe Win Some Gear

There are two good reasons to vote for Moment Invitational Film Festival’s “People’ Choice Award.” 1) You get to see 11 well-made mobile movies. 2) You qualify to win equipment that you can use in your own mobile productions. (Yes, this is one time when expressing your opinion can be profitable. The equipment pool is $15,000.) Voting continues until April 15,…

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Padcaster Verse Has Reached the Market

Padcaster Verse Has Reached the Market

Mobile moviemaking has proved that size does matter. Able to fit into a pocket or purse, your camera can be with you at all times. And you don’t need gear to get good results. But if you desire greater sophistication, you can find a wide variety of auxiliary devices, such as stabilizers, external mikes, waterproof cases, mini-dollies, and snap-on…

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