Roberta Suid

Roberta Suid

Ultimate Selfie

Drone Rescue Is the Ultimate Selfie

When Dave Svorking’s drone ran out of juice over a lake, odds weren’t good for the survival of the UAV  (unmanned aerial vehicle). But like “Sully” Sullenberger, the pilot was determined to do everything he could to avert catastrophe. In this case, it meant plunging into the lake, swimming like an Olympian, and reaching up…

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free speech going viral

Free Speech Going Viral

When Petaluma High valedictorian Lulabel Seitz departed from her prepared speech, the school administration cut the microphone. Suddenly the audience could not hear the young woman’s comments about the difficulties that she and her classmates had to deal with. Something very similar occurs in Frank Capra’s 1941 classic “Meet John Doe.” As soon as the title…

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Filming a Short

“Filming A Short in Two Hours”

Patrick Levar vlogs about single-handedly making mobile movies. On his YouTube channel 1 min with me ,  Patrick offers tips, reviews, and—most important—practices what he preaches. Take, for example, his recently released 45-second comedy “Filming A Short in Two Hours.” At the heart of this film about filming a short is the big idea that you don’t need to wait…

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Instagram Video RunTime

Instagram Video RunTime Might Be Extended

Instagram might soon permit the posting of videos that run for up to an hour. This would be a big increase. Currently, Instagram Video RunTime is limited to 15 seconds for Instagram Stories and 60 seconds in the main feed. As reported in the Wall Street Journal, videos will be vertical rather than in the landscape…

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Shoulderpod S1

Shoulderpod S1 Is MoJo Accessory of the Year

The best thing about smartphone moviemaking is that you don’t need gear to get good shots. The second best thing about mobile moviemaking is that inexpensive gear is available. This means that you can get even better shots. Recognizing that reality,  MoJo Fest has now given its first “Accessory of the Year Award. The winner is the Shoulderpod…

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UFO Sighting

UFO Sighting Inspires Dialogue

On June 1, 2018, John Flanagan decided to use his smartphone to capture the stormy night sky above Huntsville, Alabama. In addition to recording lightning flashes, Flanagan’s 25-second clip includes a mysterious circular object, which inspired the videographer to title his video “UFO Sighting.” The unidentified object, which appears intermittently, can be seen at 0:11 and 0:15. But don’t blink. Commenters on YouTube give…

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