Moving a camera during a shot can add drama and visual sophistication. The challenge is to do so smoothly, so that viewers pay attention to the subject and not to the camera. A classic way of accomplishing smooth motion shots is to place the camera on a slider, a device with rails. The camera can then slide toward or away from the subject, or move from one side of it to the other. Sliders can be purchased online, but if you’re handy, you can build your own, which will save you money plus provide the satisfaction of doing it yourself. In the following how-to-do-it video, Algerian mobile moviemaker Mustapha Benghernaout documents the making of a camera slider that he used in shooting his one-minute film “My Liberty.” You’ll find a short interview with Mustapha below.
Interview with Mustapha Benghernaout
MMM: What led to your interest in moviemaking?
Mustapha: From my childhood I’ve been interested in movies and acting. I liked to watch Bruce Lee movies. When I start filmmaking I discover agreat Filmmaker which is “David Lynch”
MMM: What persuaded you to shoot using a smartphone?
Mustapha: I started with a simple traditional camera, but my Galaxy S4 mobile provides better video quality.
MMM: Why did you decide to build your own slider?
Mustapha: I didn’t have the means to buy one so I asked my father because he is a very good handyman I explained to him what I really needed and he made that slider with simple tools.
MMM: Could you talk about using the slider in the making of your film “My Liberty“?
Mustapha: Before I started shooting I had the problem of using the slider for shooting from above, so I made two sliders. To shoot down I used a big slider that I stabilized with two scales. I used a smaller slider camera movement in others scenes.
MMM: What advice do you have for novice mobile moviemakers?
Mustapha: Start right now because you learn by doing and trying. Also you can find many online lessons and tutorials to learn the basic of moviemaking. and the experiences of the others. Let me add that I’m a beginner myself. I hope someday to have the means to join a filmschool and an acting school to improve my skills.
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You can find out more about Mustapha’s work on his YouTube channel and by following him on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
I am sure can see from the video the quality of the final video will be very low. There is no smooth flow.