“Captain Justice”: when comedy meets fantasy

Spanish filmmaker David Muñoz has been making short films for the last 13 years, always mixing  comedy,   fantasy and sci-fi as in “”Captain Justice,” which won first prize in the 2014 Mobil Film Festival. The movie was shot on an iPhone 4 and a Sony Xperia. Of the many elements in this complex short,…

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“The Dhal Burglar”: a silent comedy that features a classic chase sequence

In this  comedy, featured at the 2014 Mobil Film Festival, a young girl gets caught stealing bowls of dhal, but all for a good purpose. This short, by award-winning writer/director/creative director Eran Thomson, features an intriguing chase scene with a very large payoff! “The Dhal Burglar” was Eran’s first mobile short, made “whilst on holiday”…

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Commercial for a Cameraphone contest

Canadian filmmaker Max Speed used an iPhone to shoot this comedic two-minute commercial for the International Movie Trailer Festival. The contest challenge was to create trailers for movies still in the dream stage. You can see the entries at internationalmovietrailerfestival.com/cameraphone-2012   https://vimeo.com/35173798 FacebookTwitter

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