
Seeking Liberty in the Lockdown Era

“Take a Breath” is a short animation about a man named Murat who takes a walk in Paris while dreaming of nature and freedom. The film was directed by Turkish journalist Beraat Gokkus and shot on an iPhone 11 using the FiLMiCPro camera app. The director provides a brief note about the production following the film…

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Child’s Point of View Sheds Light on the Pandemic

Savvy filmmakers often borrow literary devices to tell their stories. For example, a few weeks ago we showcased “Oreb,” which used personification to picture Rome in the time of Covid. With “Ghosts,” Diego Escobar and Natalia Varela employ a child’s point of view to capture the pandemic in El Salvador. An interview with the imaginative and resource…

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Exiled Journalists Star in Docudrama about Freedom of Speech

“The Lost Pen” is a moving docudrama about journalists pushed out of their native lands. The filmmaker Beraat Gökkuş has firsthand knowledge of the subject.  A Turkish director and journalist, he has lived in exile in Paris since 2016. The fourteen-and-a-half minute, single-shot film will be distributed in 2022, but the trailer does a fine…

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