
Saga of a Badminton Player

In the pool, on the track, and in all other venues, elite athletes are more alike than different. Winners and losers share the same goals and passions.  They achieve nearly identical results. For example, in the one hundred meter sprint, just a few hundreds of a second separate the Gold from the Silver. But what…

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Preserving the Easily Forgotten Moments

To the world, Beraat Gökkuş is known as an accomplished journalist and mobile moviemaker. But in the opening title card of “Entre-retiens,” he reveals a different identify. He writes: “I’m a refugee.” Born in Turkey, he faced French authorities three times, seeking to establish permanent residency. While waiting to learn his fate, he documented the world…

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Overcoming Denial About the Immigration Crisis

Art has many goals. Common objectives include: to thrill us, to make us laugh, to give life to the past, and to envision the future. Rarer is the aim of showing us what we’d rather ignore. Picasso took on this challenge with his anti-war masterpiece “Guernica.” And now we have Nico Piro’s “Bosnia, where Europe ends.”…

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Narrative Contrast Used to Capture Paris Under COVID

The opening shot of “Paris Lockdown” features a street singer, two people dancing, and scores of others enjoying themselves near the Eiffel Tower. Given the film’s title, the image is surprising—even shocking. But with the second shot—the same plaza although now deserted—we realize that the filmmaker Beraat Gokkus has brilliantly used narrative contrast to accentuate…

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One Man’s Effort to Save the Kokpo

We know that climate change threatens species extinction. Similarly cultural change endangers human creations. Take the Kokpo. “The Himalayan Musician” tells the story of this lute-like instrument used to play Spitian music. But this is not a grim tale. Indian mobile moviemaker Vishal Bhanushali documents the efforts of Shechet Chhering, a Kokpo master, who shares the instrument and its…

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Afghan Mini-doc Challenges Us to Remember the Forgotten

Like so many news stories, war reports occupy us for a few minutes and then fade away.  Left behind—in the words of filmmaker Nico Piro—”are the forgotten victims of the forgotten crisis.” Piro’s mini-doc “Today I Will Live” is an antidote to the forgetting. Contrasting shots of a pleasant pizza meal with images of patients…

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