Mobile Interview Video Contest

An Interview with A Professional: SFX Makeup Artist

Step into the world of Benito Garcia, a SFX Makeup Artist, and co-owner of WetWorks SFX as he tells you how he came to be a professional in his field. FacebookTwitter

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San Diego Comic Con 2017

During the last day of Comic-Con International in San Diego I set out to the exhibitions hall with an iPhone 4s and a microphone and conducted interviews of cosplayers and captured B roll of the scene. My goal was to feature the culture and community of professional cosplayers during San Diego’s biggest event of the…

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Trang Pham- The Girl Who Found Origami Smiles

The project is to promote Origami Smiles- a non profit organization founded by my best friend. Noticing her dedication to help children around the world, I believe that her effort and intention is worth- spreading. FacebookTwitter

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My friend tells the story of how he overcame being bullied. FacebookTwitter

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Williams is a passionate BMX rider, facing his fears and getting better through regular practice. FacebookTwitter

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Smoke Alarm Walk

The project was to capture the smoke alarm walk event hosted by the Phoenix Fire Department, The American Red Cross, and the Harlem Globetrotters. The event raise awareness of smoke alarms and the importance of having them inside your home. So far they have saved approximately 200 lives by handing out smoke alarms for free.…

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