Mobile Movie of the Week

Quarantine Dance Film Shows What’s Possible in the Covid Era

Plenty of ink (and digits) have been spilled describing how Covid has limited our options. On the other side of the ledger, many people have reminded us that we can still live fully if we put our minds to it. The media have reported huge increases in gardening, bicycling, online acting (via Zoom), and home…

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Cinematic Mastery Adds Luster to a Covid-era Mini-doc

Noted mobile moviemaker Cassius Rayner has been documenting life in London in the Covid-19 era. In May he filmed graffiti artist creating a mural honor the National Health Service (NHS). The movie’s content is certainly timely and significant. But Rayner’s cinematic mastery elevates this mini-doc. Note techniques such as the establishing sequence, a high-angle shot,…

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Globalism Inspires “Unbreakable” Music Video

Globalism is about all the ways people connect outside national boundaries. What seems like a rather abstract topic in reality generates a great deal of conflict. Are international treaties, corporations and initiatives a good thing, or would we do better living our lives locally? Anti-Flag’s new music video “Unbreakable” definitely comes down on the side…

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Horror Short Demonstrates the Power of Minimalist Filmmaking

Most great films have one thing in common: they’re experiments that push the limits. There’s the shower scene in “Psycho.” There’s the outrageously mismatched leads in “King Kong.” And the dead narrator in “Sunset Boulevard.”  For a current example, consider “Locked Away” directed by Chicago filmmaker David Schmidt. Here the challenge was making a slick-looking movie…

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Drone Storytelling Using FPV

Next time someone tells you that there’s nothing new under the sun, direct them to “Alaska Glacier FPV fun,” a drone thrill ride about biking down a glacier. Yes, biking!  This video was directed by Anchorage-based Jake Sloan,  who travels throughout Alaska, uncovering amazing locations. A drone expert, Sloan shares some of his secrets in…

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Zoetrope Music Video Flattens LA

People either love or hate Los Angeles. It’s not the kind of city that evokes a neutral response. But whichever camp you’re in, you are likely to be enchanted by “Leaving LA,” a zoetrope music video starring the music of Tim Minchin and the animation wizardry of Tee Ken Ng. If, like most viewers, you…

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