Mobile Movie of the Year

Mobile Movie of the Year Probes Gambling Addiction

When it comes to mobile moviemaking, 2022 gave us much to look at and learn from. From the 52 movies that we showcased, the editors of this site chose 13 finalists (listed below). The genres varied widely, including animation, dance, documentary, drama, fantasy, horror, and music video. Nine countries were represented: Australia,  France, Great Britain, Ireland,…

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Mobile Movie of the Year Finalists

The 2022 finalists for the Mobile Movie of the Year award represent a wide variety of genres including documentary, music video, fantasy, dance, animation, news, and horror. The filmmakers come from seven countries. On February 1, we will announce our pick as the “Mobile Movie of the Year.” For now, we invite you to tell…

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Mobile Movie of the Year Finalists

It’s time for MobileMovieMaking to honor the outstanding films featured in 2021 on our site. As Frank Sinatra sang, it was a very good year. Moviemakers from around the world told memorable stories as they advanced the art of mobile moviemaking. From this bounty, the editors have identified 16 finalists from which they will choose…

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Mobile Movie of the Year

There’s no doubt that 2020 earned a space on the list of Very Dark Years. But thankfully, during the pandemic, mobile moviemakers from around the world created works that brought us hope and joy. Each week, we featured a movie that we felt deserved the spotlight. There were examples of every genre. And—because of COVID—there…

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Mobile Movie of the Year Finalists

MobileMovieMaking Magazine has identified 15 finalists for its third annual Mobile Movie of the Year Award. The editors will announce their choice of the best film on January 15. You can help pick the People’s Choice Award—to be announced January 31— by saying something about the films that you like in the comments area (below).…

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“The Other Side” Chosen as the Mobile Movie of the Year

Many things in life can be precisely measured. For example, we can with certainty determine that tallest building or the fastest car. Art isn’t like that. Like beauty, film excellence is in the eye of the beholder. It is inevitably subjective and can be controversial. With that in mind, the beholders at MobileMovieMaking Magazine have…

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