Disposable Film Festival Announces 2015 Winners

The winners in the 2015 Disposable Film Festival are astonishing. They provide evidence that mobile moviemakers are creating highly entertaining movies in all genres. The categories of winning entries in this year’s Disposable Film Festival include romance (RUSSIAN ROULETTE), animation (ON LOOP),  instructional (HOW TO KEEP SMOKING), mixed-media comedy (HOW YOU DOIN, BOY? VOICEMAILS FROM GRAN’PA), drama (ALL KINDS OF…

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How Can Citizen Journalists Monetize Mobile Video?

Around the world, mobile moviemakers are capturing newsworthy events including crimes, accidents, and storms. If the resulting footage is clear, it can have value to media outlets such as TV networks and major websites such as Yahoo! and Huffington Post.  These professional organization make money by exhibiting newsworthy video. But what about the people who shot it? Is there a…

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Brendan Ó Sé Wins the Mira Mobile Prize

IPhoneographer Brendan Ó Sé has won the 2015 Mira Mobile Prize. The award honors the best images taken and edited with mobile devices.  In 2014 Ó Sé was profiled in a video by Glen Mulcahy and featured in a MobileMovieMaking magazine post. The theme of this year’s Mira Mobile Prize  competition was “Streets of the World.” Irish-based  Ó Sé…

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Disposable Film Festival: films that last

Launched in 2006, the Disposable Film Festival is a major force for grassroots moviemaking. By exhibiting films ranging from complex to simple. the Festival accomplishes two goals.  First, its more sophisticated productions demonstrate that new video technologies can produce works that rival those made using traditional tools. Second, the simpler movies suggest that relative novices  can make movies worth watching. This year, in  the…

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Citizen Journalism Takes Courage

We would not be talking about the shooting of Walter Scott except for the smartphone video taken by an anonymous passer-by. This example of citizen journalism  is not easy to watch. Still, it quickly evoked close to  4000 comments at the New York Times. Most of the posts discussed justice in America. But a few commenters remarked on the courage…

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MojoCon 2015 through a journalist’s eyes

MojoCon Ireland was the first international conference devoted to mobile journalism, filmmaking, and photography. Alison Gow was one of the journalists who used modern methods to cover the event.

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