Daring Autobiographical Doc Explores the Impact of an Absent Father Previous post Daring Autobiographical Doc Explores the Impact of an Absent Father wide-angle lens Next post Wide-angle Lens Demo Celebrates Nevada Landscape

One Comment

  1. Niles Larson
    Niles Larson June 13, 2021 at 11:47 pm .

    Thanks for the Feature! Charlie on the MTA was one half of what influenced this piece of work. The other half was John Tavener’s The Whale. Much of the production took place of just riding back on fourth on all the T’s trains. At times I’d have shots that I loved and could envision what was happening for the edit. Most other times I had no idea what was happening. Massachusetts was still in “lock down” right up until I had to submit for the competition. Getting shots of riders was the hardest part. It wasn’t until my last 48hrs in production that I recognized how this film flowed. Hopefully you see a rider getting on, riding and then exiting the Boston T. Music at this moment was stressful. I originally edited to a piece I couldn’t get the rights to use. I had a composer set but my timeline went beyond the point of composing music to use. I had a friend that became what you hear right now. FUJIĄ̷͈̼͚̞̮́͜N̷͙̯͎̻͜͟͝͠ was very grateful and allowed me to use his music. At some point in the future my narration and music may be reworked. As of now enjoy the ride, it was a fun to create!

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