“Take a Breath” is a short animation about a man named Murat who takes a walk in Paris while dreaming of nature and freedom. The film was directed by Turkish journalist Beraat Gokkus and shot on an iPhone 11 using the FiLMiCPro camera app. The director provides a brief note about the production following the film (below).
Beraat Gokkus on the Making of “Take a Breath”
I filmed “Take a Breath” as a normal film, and then used an iMovie filter to turn it into an animation. The protagonist is played by one of my friends Murat Kilic, a young actor here in Paris. Murat had been asking me to collaborate on a film, so when I got this idea during the second lockdown, I called him. I did the entire production myself—scripting, cinematography, editing, sound, and animation. This is the power of mobile moviemaking: the new wave.
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We’ve previously featured two of Beraat’s extraordinary short movies: “Paris Lockdown” and “The Lost Pen.”
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The editors of MobileMovieMaking have chosen “Take a Breath” as the Mobile Movie of the Week.”