One of the best ways to achieve Moviemaking Mastery is to make short movies. While there is no fixed length for a film to qualify as being “short,” there is growing interest in the one-minute format.
You might wonder: Can you tell a significant story in just a few seconds? See for yourself by studying the following nine one-minute mobile movies. Many of them were showcased at the Mobile Film Festival whose slogan is: “1 Mobile, 1 Minute, 1 Film.”
These movies represent eight classic genres: comedy, documentary, drama, horror, love story, public service, thriller, and travelogue. Also included is an example of a film in an emerging genre— the drone video.
Nine Short for MovieMaking Mastery
COMEDY: “The Interview” directed Benjamin LaPierre & Alexandre Gaudou
DOCUMENTARY: “Ice Swimming” directed by Robb Montgomery
DRAMA: “Murmuring Goodbye” directed by Simon Powell
DRONE: “Onnanocos” directed by Katsu FPV
HORROR: “Monsters” directed by Manon Gaurin
LOVE STORY: “Blind Date” directed by Xavier Inbona & Pierre-Francois de Mont-Serrat
PUBLIC SERVICE: “Not for Sale” directed by Adebayo Okeowo
THRILLER: “Rearview” directed by Ren Thackham
TRAVELOGUE: “Prague in a Minute” directed by Uwe Lansing