Blake Calhoun

Finding Horror in Everyday Life

Horror encountered in exotic places makes a kind of sense. And so we have Skull Island (“King Kong”), the Amazonian rainforest (“Anaconda”), and the Arctic (“The Thing from Another World.”) No big surprise if you meet up with a T.rex in Jurassic Park. But if you’re on familiar turf, there’s an extra adrenalin hit when…

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One-minute Movie Uses Contrast to Capture Life in the Covid-19 Era

Storytellers have long understood that contrast creates intrigue. And so we David & Goliath; Icarus and Daedalus; King Kong & Ann Darrow (Fay Wray). The power of contrast works not only with characters but also when juxtaposing two different scenes. A celebrated example is the baptism/murder sequence in “The Godfather.” For a contemporary example, we consider “HomeSkool,”…

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“Snowbrawl” Gear & Shot Breakdown

“Snowball” is Apple’s hugely popular iPhone 11 demonstration video directed by David Leitch. It was our first 2020 Mobile Movie of the Week feature. Looking in from the outside, master mobile moviemaker Blake Calhoun deconstructs the two-minute snowball fight movie, focusing on cinematic techniques and the gear used during the shoot. While “Snowbrawl” is a…

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Eerie Comedy Explores the Passion for Moviemaking

Blake Calhoun isn’t the kind of filmmaker who repeats himself. His previous work includes a hard-boiled crime picture (“Miranda“) and a romantic comedy (“First Dance“). Now, with “The Movie Star” Calhoun gives us….something different. We can’t say the genre without giving away the story. Enough to say that “The Movie Star” is a lot of…

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Creative Casting in a Romantic Dance Movie

A few months ago we identified Blake Calhoun’s gritty thriller “Miranda”  as one of the best mobile movies of 2018. Now the director is back with “First Dance,” a film that couldn’t be more different in terms of mood. That said, this short dance movie about a most unusual date, is as visually arresting as…

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Guide to DIY Filmmaking

Filmmaker Blake Calhoun has made movies using 16mm, Mini DV, DVCPro HD, Canon 7D, Blackmagic Cinema Camera, RED digital cameras, and now iPhones. But whatever the technology, his creative philosophy of DIY Filmmaking remains constant:  “Always make sure it does not look like DIY.”  A recent example is “Miranda,” a taut 4-minute thriller that demonstrates an…

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