Vertical Movie Captures the Big Picture of Life During COVID

SJ van Breda is celebrated for her cinematic documentaries about South African artists. “The One Year Anniversary” is a departure. In this four-minute drama set in the COVID era,  a young healthcare worker devises a surprising way to safely hug her mother. This bitter-sweet film—rich in powerful closeups— was shot vertically using a Xiaomi Mi…

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Music Video Features Toilet Paper, Computer Glitches, and a Lot More

If Everything but the Kitchen Sink were a music video category, that’s where you’d find “Delirious (Confined).” Directed by Brice Blanloeil, this five-and-a-half minute movie features 14 musicians playing in separate venues in Portugal and France. The intensity of the performers is matched by an astonishing variety of visuals including toilet paper, pasta, digital warnings, and…

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Seeking Liberty in the Lockdown Era

“Take a Breath” is a short animation about a man named Murat who takes a walk in Paris while dreaming of nature and freedom. The film was directed by Turkish journalist Beraat Gokkus and shot on an iPhone 11 using the FiLMiCPro camera app. The director provides a brief note about the production following the film…

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Narrative Contrast Used to Capture Paris Under COVID

The opening shot of “Paris Lockdown” features a street singer, two people dancing, and scores of others enjoying themselves near the Eiffel Tower. Given the film’s title, the image is surprising—even shocking. But with the second shot—the same plaza although now deserted—we realize that the filmmaker Beraat Gokkus has brilliantly used narrative contrast to accentuate…

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Personfication of Rome Captures Life under COVID

COVID-19 has inspired movies in a variety of genres including documentary, horror, comedy, and drama. Sigfrido Giammona’s “OREB” is one that should stand the test of time. Each of the four crew members worked in separate places, requiring exquisite coordination. An interview with the director follows the movie. Interview with Sigfrido Giammona MobileMovieMaking: How did…

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Zoom Movie Updates Classic Horror Concepts

There’s nothing cutting edge about séance films. One of the earliest—”House of Mystery”—was released in 1934. Found footage movies also don’t qualify as novelties. Long before “The Blair Witch Project” (1999) there was “Cannibal Holocaust” (1980). But when UK director Rob Savage made “Host” by combining those two shopworn genres into a 57-minute Zoom horror…

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