
Tutorial Review: “Working with Non Actors”

Low-budget filmmakers often must work with non actors. This can creator directing challenges. Left to their own devices, untrained actors generally will not give polished performances. But as filmmaker Darious Britt explains, a few strategies can enable novices to shine. In his idea-packed three-minute tutorial, Darious gives authentic advice on such issues as casting, communicating,…

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Tutorial review: “Film Blocking (It’s easier than you think)”

Film blocking from Epic Light Media “A minute to learn; a lifetime to master.” That motto for the board game “Othello” applies equally well to film blocking. When it comes to figuring out where to place characters and how to move them, there are only a handful of principles. Yet, as this Epic Light Media tutorial…

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child actors

Tutorial Review: “How to Direct Child Actors: 7 Tips for Working with Kids”

Children can add great value to every sort of movie. Examples include “The Sixth Sense,” “ET,” and “Beasts of the Southern Wild.” Unfortunately, an awkward performance can ruin a film quicker than a shaky camera or bad sound. If you’ve found a natural young actor, lucky you. But if that’s not the case, you can employ a…

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