Narrative Contrast Used to Capture Paris Under COVID

The opening shot of “Paris Lockdown” features a street singer, two people dancing, and scores of others enjoying themselves near the Eiffel Tower. Given the film’s title, the image is surprising—even shocking. But with the second shot—the same plaza although now deserted—we realize that the filmmaker Beraat Gokkus has brilliantly used narrative contrast to accentuate…

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Filming Decisive Moments for a Circus Documentary

Michel Kharoubi (aka MK) is a French photographer—principally shooting with a mobile—and a corporate movie director. A director of short movies—such as “Circus”—his goal is to direct feature films. In the interview that follows, Kharoubi talks about how he developed his filmmaking skills. He emphasizes the value of studying the work of master filmmakers.  Regarding “Circus,”…

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