guerilla filmmaking

Guerilla Music Video Exploits the Urban Landscape

All the world’s a stage, especially with music videos. Locations we’ve seen include alleys, beaches, and busy urban neighborhoods. Brionne Olsen’s “Incremental”—is set on an outdoor basketball court, with players in the background adding to the energy. The video starring South African rapper Teshxn was shot on an iPhone using the FiLMiC Pro camera app…

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Prize-winning Mystery Uses Creative Dubbing for Comedic Effect

Dubbing is often used to improve the clarity of dialogue, for example, when a noisy environment interferes with what the performers are saying. . This technique might be labeled “functional dubbing.” But filmmakers have long understood that dialogue replacement has great comedic potential. You’ll see–and hear—a wonderful example of “creative dubbing” in “Felix,” a prize-winning…

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