Mike Castellucci

Analog Music Making a Comeback

New is good. You want proof? Look at all the positive synonyms for new, such as cutting edge, forward looking, state of the art, and latest & greatest. On the other hand, many of us also have affection for things of the past, for example, antiques, classic cars, silent movies, and high school reunions. Love of old stuff…

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Memorable Movies Need Memorable Characters

Memorable movies are about people  worth knowing.  In fact, narrative films are often named for their key characters. So we have “The Godfather,” “E.T.,” “Thelma & Louise,” and “Goldfinger.” But characters are also crucial in nonfiction films, as mojo journalist Mike Castellucci demonstrates in  “Carrie’s Cakes.” In this short video report, produced for a Texas TV station, Castellucci visited…

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