mobile film festival

One-minute Movie Illustrates Many Filmic Techniques

Is it possible to develop a variety of sophisticated filmic techniques in a short movie? If you carefully study the 60-second drama “Maiden,” we’re convinced you’ll answer ” Yes!”  Directed by Iranian filmmakers Fatemeh Saeedi and Saeed Aghakhani, “Maiden,” a finalist in the 2018 Mobile Film Festival, employs many filmic techniques that you’re likely to encounter in well-made features.…

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Minimalist Movie Delivers a Big Message

Italian actor/moviemaker Matteo Tibiletti made “Yes, No” to address a major societal problem. At the same time, his prize-winning movie demonstrates the power of the minimalist movie. With a cast of only two performers and no locations and no props, Tibiletti creates a haunting drama. In an interview (below), the director takes us behind the scenes…

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One-minute movie “Monsters” Wins at Mobile Film Festival

Manon Gaurin’s “Monsters” has taken the top prize for a French film at the the PNB Paribas Mobile Film Festival. The French filmmaker’s one-minute movie is an illustrated poem on nocturnal terrors, inspired by Nikita Gill’s writings. Launched in 2005, the Mobile Film Festival has been detecting and promoting new talents through a competition with simple rules: 1 mobile…

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Deadline Nearing for SF3 2017 Competition

This year’s Smart Fone Flick Fest offers over $10,000 in prizes for short films. Entries must be shot using a phone or tablet. Categories include 360 and VR. The deadline is August 1. For more information visit The festival screening takes place on August 24 in Sydney, Australia. You can follow the festival @SF3Fest   …

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Using nostalgia to raise environmental awareness in a micro movie

Nostalgia is the desire to return to an earlier and happier time, usually at home in the literal or figurative sense. The longing combines pleasure (remembering the  good) with pain (recognizing that the treasured past is gone). FacebookTwitter

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Syria Mobile Festival: smartphone documenting of war as it happens

Citizen journalism is coming of age around the world. Nowhere has this development been more dramatic than in Syria, where smartphones and other mobile devices have been used to capture the uprising and the devastating war. Earlier this year, the Syria Mobile Festival began honoring the daring and memorable work of smartphone documentarians. Films include “A Physiotherapist Diary,”…

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