Moment International Film Festival

The Art of Accidental Filmmaking

Filmmaking can be a highly organized process involving years of planning before taking the first shot. That is the Hollywood “dream factory” method. It works. But there is an alternative—accidental filmmaking— as we learn in the interview with director Karim Saheb. His short, philosophical comedy—”Cold Shower”—won the narrative prize at this year’s Moment Invitational Film Festival. The interview,…

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Help Choose Moment’s People’s Choice Award…and Maybe Win Some Gear

There are two good reasons to vote for Moment Invitational Film Festival’s “People’ Choice Award.” 1) You get to see 11 well-made mobile movies. 2) You qualify to win equipment that you can use in your own mobile productions. (Yes, this is one time when expressing your opinion can be profitable. The equipment pool is $15,000.) Voting continues until April 15,…

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