science fiction

Story-within-a-story Structure Adds Intrigue

You couldn’t find three films more different from each other than  “The Wizard of Oz,” “The Princess Bride,” and “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” Yet all these classics—and plenty more— share a proven narrative structure: the story-within-a-story. Joining the illustrious group is “97 Seconds,” Ren Thackham’s science fiction short which won the Best Screenplay Award at the the…

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Secrets for Making a Low-budget Web Series

Simon Horrocks is a master of making movies without spending much money. His current project is “Silent Eye,” a low-budget web series distributed on Amazon. You can get a feel for his methods in the following behind-the-scenes video titled, appropriately enough, “Making a SciFi Movie with No Money.” In the interview below, he provides a number…

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