short film

We’re Living in the Short Film Renaissance

Here’s another reason to applaud YouTube: that site is a major factor in today’s short film renaissance. In our hustle-bustle era where every minute seems precious, short films can give viewers a lot of entertainment without breaking their time budgets. But the form is also crucial for filmmakers because making shorts is the most economical and efficient road to mastery. It also can lead into the world of feature filmmaking as…

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“Filming A Short in Two Hours”

Patrick Levar vlogs about single-handedly making mobile movies. On his YouTube channel 1 min with me ,  Patrick offers tips, reviews, and—most important—practices what he preaches. Take, for example, his recently released 45-second comedy “Filming A Short in Two Hours.” At the heart of this film about filming a short is the big idea that you don’t need to wait…

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Making a Movie by Adapting a Story

What do “The Wizard of Oz,” “Gone with the Wind,” “Blade Runner,” “The Graduate,” “War of the Worlds,” and “The Maltese Falcon” have in common? Along with hundreds of other memorable feature movies, these hits were based on previously published material. Often the source was a novel. But in some cases the underlying text was a…

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