silent movie

Short Film Illustrates the “Karma Comedy” Genre

“Back in Five Minutes” could be the poster film for  the Karma Comedy genre. Any attempt to explain why would require a spoiler alert. Enough to say that co-directors Raffaele Imbò & Noah Archer have created a very funny movie. In this minimalist production, Imbò stars, while Archer is the cinematographer. A finalist in the 2019…

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“Memory 22”: an experiment in stop motion

Bill Newsinger’s “Memory 22” won third prize at the Mobil Film Festival 2013 In the following behind-the-scenes narrative, Bill shares some of the tricks that went into his magical movie. Memory 22 was shot on my iphone 4s using the Hipstamatic app and the Tintype Snap Pak. Most of it was hand held but a couple…

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