South Africa

Guerilla Music Video Exploits the Urban Landscape

All the world’s a stage, especially with music videos. Locations we’ve seen include alleys, beaches, and busy urban neighborhoods. Brionne Olsen’s “Incremental”—is set on an outdoor basketball court, with players in the background adding to the energy. The video starring South African rapper Teshxn was shot on an iPhone using the FiLMiC Pro camera app…

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Prize-winning Short Challenges the Melting Pot Metaphor

The metaphor of the melting pot is usually seen as something positive. It refers to people with various backgrounds being mixed together in order to create a strong, unified population whose members are more alike than different.  But there is a hidden assumption in the process, namely that the transformed individuals will abandon their previous…

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Drone Music Video Wins Moment Award

A drone’s maneuverability enables filmmakers to create visually rich films in a single shot. The latest example is Luke Bell’s drone music video “We Can’t Breathe.”  The two-minute movie features rapper Phehello Makgoe. Like the director and the singer, the entire crew is from South Africa. Key members are the drone pilot Bradyn Hopking, the…

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Abstract Sculptor Featured in Abstract Documentary

Surprise is a key element of authentic art. It tells us that there are new things under the sun. In her latest documentary “Symphony of Spheres” South African filmmaker SJ van Breda artfully uses cinematic surprises to take us into the world of the abstract sculptor Brendon Edwards. The result is a dazzling and memorable…

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