
One Easy Trick That Can Enhance Any Travelogue

“Reflections in the Sky” documents the beauty of Al Reem Island in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. The two-minute travelogue was shot on iPhone 11 Pro Max using only the ultra-wide lens in 4k and a film rate of 60 fps.  And the trick used by the director EMKWAN? Of the 19…

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Focus Your Travelogue to Make It Special

A memorable travelogue isn’t just a collection of pretty shots. Like a movie in any genre, a travelogue needs a defining idea, for example, “Manhattan Is a Place of Surprising Sounds.” You can focus your travelogue before you leave home, or—as with William Long’s “Pushkar,” you can discover the essence of your movie during the trip. Either way, the…

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Memorable Movies Need Memorable Characters

Memorable movies are about people  worth knowing.  In fact, narrative films are often named for their key characters. So we have “The Godfather,” “E.T.,” “Thelma & Louise,” and “Goldfinger.” But characters are also crucial in nonfiction films, as mojo journalist Mike Castellucci demonstrates in  “Carrie’s Cakes.” In this short video report, produced for a Texas TV station, Castellucci visited…

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Four ways to use titles in a mini-doc

A memorable mini-doc must have strong images. But as we learn in Robb Montgomery’s “El Tatio Geyers,” concise, carefully written text can add clarity and drama. Montgomery, a celebrated mobile journalist and film teacher, illustrates four ways  to use titles in this short travelogue: He titles the video: “El Tatio Geyers” (0:04) He identifies the location: “In the…

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