tutorial review

tutorial review

Tutorial Review: “Master Smartphone Filmmaking in Just 20 Minutes

The title of this tutorial is slightly misleading. The only way to master smartphone filmmaking—or anything else—is through practice. But putting aside that quibble, this tutorial by Anthony Gallo outlines most of what you’d need to practice if you want your videos to look professional. Gallo has a clear, easy style, and he provides illustrations…

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child actors

Tutorial Review: “How to Direct Child Actors: 7 Tips for Working with Kids”

Children can add great value to every sort of movie. Examples include “The Sixth Sense,” “ET,” and “Beasts of the Southern Wild.” Unfortunately, an awkward performance can ruin a film quicker than a shaky camera or bad sound. If you’ve found a natural young actor, lucky you. But if that’s not the case, you can employ a…

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