Singing for Empathy

Singing has been employed for myriad purposes such as expressing love, conveying spiritual beliefs, selling products, and satirizing people (Tom Lehrer’s “Wernher Von Braun“). Now we can add developing empathy to the list. In “School Sings ‘Stefania,’” RTEnews mobile journalist Eleanor Mannion captures scores of students performing the Ukrainian song that won this year’s Eurovision…

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Art for the Artist’s Sake

Artists often view their work as a gift to those who see, hear, or otherwise receive it. Even when remuneration is involved, there is the notion that one’s creativity is directed  to other people. But sometimes, the creator is a work’s main beneficiary. In “Ukrainian Teen Takes to the Abbey Stage,” RTEnews mobile journalist Philip…

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Secondary Interviewee Adds Depth to News Report

Truckers are the stars of  RTEnews’ timely “Irish aid convoy sets out for Ukrainian border.” Reporter Laura Fletcher leads with the drivers’ comments about their humanitarian mission. But then, like a savvy screenwriter who values the contributions of secondary characters, Fletcher includes a short interview with Tatiana Buhera. A Ukrainian living in Ireland, Buhera provides…

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