vertical framing

“A Homeless Woman Was Given an iPhone to Share Her Experience”

Homelessness is a worldwide problem. You can find plenty of articles and videos on the topic. The challenge: how can you keep the homeless issue alive so that people pay attention? The title of this post reveals the answer. Instead of reporting on homeless people from the outside, UK-based director and producer Giulia Gandini created…

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Netflix Will Offer Vertical Previews on Its Smartphone App

The arguments for shooting wide (horizontally) are many and—in the opinion of this magazine— persuasive. Nevertheless, Netflix has decided to offer vertical previews of movies and TV shows. The reason? Many Netflix customers hold their phones vertically. This has meant that previews were accompanied by black bars.  The new doctored previews will fill the phone’s screen. Of…

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Vertical framing and YouTube

Some theorists argue that vertical framing is a cutting-edge aesthetic. This approach abandons the conventional wide (landscape) orientation made popular by Hollywood and television. Proponents of shooting “tall” say that it’s a natural consequence of the way most people hold their phones when making calls, reading email, or texting. We’ve previously reported on those promoting vertical framing here. But there is an issue…

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